Saturday May 31st sees the next Circle of Hands gathering. Previous scheduled chats have attracted international publishers, writers of many genres and a host of enthusiastic readers.

To locate the Circle of Hands chatroom, simply visit the 'News & Chat' page at my official website at (or use the link below).

Everyone is welcome. Courtesy is mandatory in the Circle of Hands chatroom.

The Trials of Life!
My writing schedule has been severely disrupted by having builders in. Every flat surface in the house has a fine layer of dust covering it. The plasterer is conspicuous by his absence, leaving one job half-done (and no, he hasn't been paid yet!). And guess who's vacuum cleaner conked out over the weekend?!!

While one particular task was being carried out, I locked our two small dogs in the bedroom to prevent them from "helping". In protest, Emily, a Jack Russell, shredded the duvet cover. Oh well, I hated that design anyway...!

However, despite these dread trials, I have managed to complete the first draft of my second novel, Rowan, which now stands at 100,000 words - which was my intended target when I began writing it in August last year.