FOLLOWING the recent sudden closure of a nursery in Wallasey, an Ofsted report has been released confirming that it was rated "inadequate" in all areas.

Eversley Nursery School, on Penkett Road, was opened and registered in November 2021 as an early years provider.

On Monday, February 20, parents were told in an email by the owner that the nursery would be closing with immediate effect at 6pm that day.

The nursery had 48 children on the roll and 12 members of staff.

A source also told the Globe that staff members at the nursery were informed about the closure at lunchtime that same day leaving them with no job.

Since this, an Ofsted report has been released confirming that the nursery had an inspection on Monday, January 30 and it was rated inadequate in all areas.

The inspection was carried out as a result of a risk assessment, following information they received about the provider.

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The report says that "leaders and managers are not taking all reasonable steps to ensure that children are not exposed to risks" and "the provider does not have adequate vetting processes in place to ensure the suitability of new staff". 

It continues: "Following a recent significant incident, where a child was able to leave the premises unsupervised, leaders and managers have taken some action.

"This included updating risk assessments and fitting additional locks to the garden gates to improve security. However, staff fail to identify and minimise risks to children indoors. For example, children climb on chairs and tables to look over the balcony."

The report also explains that "the arrangements for safeguarding are not effective" at the nursery and "there is not a cohesive or stable staff team" due to significant changes in staff and management in the last year.

Due to the provision of the nursery being inadequate, Ofsted took enforcement action and gave the nursery until Wednesday, February 15 to improve in a range of areas.

A spokesperson for Ofsted said on February 24: "The nursery was last inspected on January 30 2023 and, following this, we undertook enforcement action to make sure children there were safe.

"The provider has since resigned their registration and decided to close the setting."

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