Are you bored with rain yet? My dogs certainly are. They dejectedly stand before the French doors, gazing out at the general greyness. If they'd consent to wearing the cute little raincoats, complete with pointy hat, which were bought for them walkies in the rain would be no problem. But they hate the coats more than they hate the rain....

Monday saw some fine weather, at least, and my dogs took me for a walk over Caldy Hill to Storeton Woods. Take a look at that carpet of purple heather leading up to the summit of Caldy, like a royal carpet rolled out for some unknown event. The picture can’t share the fragrance, however! The air was heavy with a scent of warm honey.

And what a lovely place to sit, overlooking the River Dee, with thunderous charcoal clouds rolling over the Welsh hills towards us… Which is why I had to head for home sharpish, actually. The dogs and I just made it before monsoon-like torrents hammered down.

West Kirby Promenade

Soooo, who’s bright idea was it to suggest making West Kirby promenade one third narrower? The proposal is to allow more cars to park up along the waterfront. When you consider the volumes of people who enjoy ambling along the prom, a narrower pavement will likely be as popular as a wasp in a car.