You are invited to meet some of the UK's most talented new authors of Science-Fiction and Fantasy. This event will take place on Saturday, July 11th at West Kirby Library, Wirral.

Confirmed so far are Adrienne Odasso, David Tallerman, Cheryl Holland and Hazel Dixon, plus myself - partially because I'm the event organiser. All the participating authors have had work featured in anthologies by Sci-Fi and Fantasy publisher Hadley Rille Books. Other confirmations may follow.

The authors will read short excerpts from their work, then there will be a Q&A session, after which authors will be available to sign books.

Doors open at 2pm, and the event starts at 2.30pm.

Entrance is FREE - so arrive early to ensure a seat!

Refreshments will be available. The library has disabled access.

Wirral Libraries have already expressed an interest in developing this into an annual Sci-Fi and Fantasy event, so do come along and bring as many people with you as possible to help make this happen.