This algid impersonation of summer seems to have inspired a degree of nostalgia. Once upon a time, long long ago - well, about four years ago, actually - there was a lively little group of cyber-pals sporting the suitably ridiculous moniker of the Brotherhood of the Jacuzzi.

Rest assured that this bubbling watery attraction existed only in the colourful imagination of its inventor - who was not my good self, before you ask. The cyber-Jacuzzi was the fanciful setting of many a late night scheduled chat for this group of RPG players, their game having a somewhat historically inaccurate Templar flavour soured, inevitably, by the usual sniping and sycophantic twaddle.

…Amongst other things. But I won’t go into that.

The plug was pulled, but the Jacuzzi’s bubbles were heading down the drain even before then. And so everyone went their separate ways, which is the usual pattern of behaviour within the cyber-realm, as elsewhere. Most fell off the radar; one went off to find fame - though not before encouraging me to stop RPGing and write something of my own, (for which I’m truly thankful!)

And then there was The Imp - though I didn’t believe the innocent-led-astray façade, or the pretence of youth (which would have cast this person in the role of the most eloquent multi-lingual teenager ever to walk the Earth.) And I don’t care about all the half-truths, the veiled truths or the blatant fantasies - and who but The Imp knows where the divisions between these lie anyway! All that is not important.

What is important is one of my fictional characters derives his appearance, scathing wit, personality and mannerisms entirely from The Imp - or rather, from my perception of The Imp. To base a fantasy on a fantasy… Most amusing; but also my tribute to the original. And also presenting something of a dilemma, should the real Imp protest.

Maybe I should cast a fairy ring - formed of anchovies, rather than mushrooms, of course* - and invoke The Imp to appear on LJ once again.

*private joke, presenting absolutely no humour whatsoever for anyone other than said Imp and myself.