LIMITED as my own achievements are, after watching ‘Young, Dumb and Living off Mum’ I can take pride in the fact that I could use a washing machine and understand the basic function of a tin opener by the age of 25.

Something none of the eight young people featured in the show can boast. Which makes me feel somewhat superior, one of the fundamental reasons reality television exists in the first place.

As an adjective, dumb doesn’t really begin to do justice to the heart-stopping stupidity displayed by this lot.

Or their parents for that matter, who for some reason have laboured under the delusion than ‘no’ is a dirty word when it comes to child-rearing, and as a result, have bred and raised a selection of idiots that any self-respecting village would probably send packing.

So watch, marvel and grow bloated with a sense of self-worth as the young and the dumb are forced to do their own shopping (two bottles of port and a plug-in air freshener were on the essentials list), get to grips with domestic affairs (what is a boiler and why have we got one?) and hold down a job for 12 hours without being escorted off the premises.

The motivation for putting themselves through this crash course in ‘how to be a functioning human being’ comes in the form of a round the world trip for the winner ie. the least dumb. Which I think would make a fantastic spin-off show.

If you find making a bed perplexing, how are you going to cope when you touch down in Asia and don’t have mum at your side with a constant supply of bottled water, carrying your luggage, keeping tabs on your passport?

Well, you’re not. You’re going to end up on Young, Dumb and Banged Up Abroad.

Young, Dumb and Living off Mum, BBC3, Sundays at 9pm