Back to work in September brings a new host of resolutions.. namely to be organised enough to take my lunch each day.

Easy, you say, but I'm afraid it's not that clear cut, as I am not a vegetarian, not even vegan, but a Preferatarian.

I can never find sandwiches that meet my requirements - they either have mayo when it's not needed or the wrong kind of cheese (I can't stand red cheddar) and the bread itself has to be fresh but with a bit of bite - I can't stand too soft bread, it's got to have a crisp crust!

So, what's left you may ask? Leftovers are the best bet.

My tips for leftovers are: Be imaginative - smash up baked fish fingers with lemon juice, chopped parsley and black pepper for an adults version that's great in sandwiches.

You can microwave stir fries, pasta, stews, curries, roasts easily - as long as you don't let them dry out when they're cooling down, they'll be great.

When you serve your dinner - dish up the leftovers into containers then and there. This means that night's dishwasher can't deplete your leftover stocks!

If you're likely to be bored of the meal the next day, freeze the leftovers into portions, so you can grab them in the morning and microwave easily at lunchtime.

If you need a quick side to go with your lunch, go for either baked potato, cous cous or coleslaw. If you can plan a day ahead, pop in a potato to bake in the oven for at least 40 minutes while you cook your dinner the night before.

For cous cous - tip half a cup of cous cous into a bowl, pour half a cup of boiling water plus (if wanted) a splash of lemon juice and a dash of liquid chicken stock in too, mix quickly with a fork then cover the bowl with a small plate. In 5 minutes, fluff up the cous couse and if wanted, add cubed red pepper, chopped nuts or dried fruit, rocket, feta or goats cheese - whatever you've got. If you like things spicy add 1/2 tsp of dried cumin to the cous cous before you pour in the water.

For coleslaw - Finely chop a green, white, red or sweetheart cabbage with a knife. Grate some carrot and finely slice a red onion (if wanted). Mix together then store for at least 3/4 days in an airtight container in the fridge.

To make the sauce - 3 TBsp 0% fat greek yoghurt, 1 TBsp mayo, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp dijon mustard, 1/2 tsp celery salt, 1-2 tsp of Cider Vinegar. Mix together until smooth. Taste and season if needed.

Each morning take enough coleslaw and sauce to mix when you're about to eat.

Next week I'll be looking at the sweet things you can make at home to take in for lunches too!