GIVEN the disastrous flooding caused by the council's third sea wall should we be surprised that the council is investigating its own disaster?

The council and the Environment Agency have always insisted on a solid concrete wall, against the massive local opposition, and ignored other proposals.

The perhaps the investigation should start with assessing how many tens of thousands of tons of CO2 were needlessly generated by insisting on a massive concrete wall.

Perhaps the "Climate Emergency Committee" should be more accurately re-named the "Creating Climate Emergency Committee", or just disbanded before it does any more damage?

Is it not the same "Committee" that is now imposing "driving slower for longer" generating more pollution, again against local opposition?

Surely now is the time to give back local democracy and have the ward councillors as the only politicians deciding on developments in their ward, rather than being dictated to by councillors with no ward responsibility that we can no more vote out than Putin.

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